Mama Áfríkà and Data
Is the future here already?
A dean at a school of data science -whose name currently eludes me, said while discussing the adoption of data science on institutional levels as key tools in problem-solving; "If you’re considering adopting data science, you need to start collecting data. All sorts of it".
Coming to Africa, there is an endemic aversion to data collection and research as a whole.
For a region with so many questions, we don’t seem adequately invested in finding answers. It is not surprising that Africa produces only about 1% of the world’s research output.*
It’s almost like we are comfortable with not knowing. Maxims like "what you don’t know won’t hurt you" hold as gospel. When we manage to pretend to find answers, it all seems fake as if we merely want convenient explanations and can’t be bothered with finding the truth.
There is a perceptible shift in mindset however, I have had the privilege of interacting with professionals who are dedicated to uncovering inconspicuous data and drawing insights from them in a bid to solve problems more efficiently than we currently do. Out with the shallow palliative and overwhelmingly performative interventions!
I’m all for this paradigm shift.
The metaphorical stars have aligned. This revolution in our perception towards data-driven problem solving will be televised. The quality of intellectual discussions in and about the African region will improve.
I hope you are as excited as I am about the future.
*Duermeijer C, Amir M, Schoombee L. Africa generates less than 1% of the world research; data analytics can change that. An in-depth Anal Cont Res Reveal Promis Dev Strateg Contin Improv. 2018. Available from: