Coming of age - noun phrase

/‘kə-​miŋ əv āj’/

Khalid Fahd
Jul 23, 2021

So initially, your world view is shaped by your immediate environment and contemporary sociocultural frameworks.

Then you're exposed, you find out the world is a lot bigger than you used to think.
At this point, it's easy to demonize everything you've known, every structure that has guided your understanding of the world is threatened here, we all rebel to some extent.

Then you start to understand the mechanism behind it all, covert appreciation of the imperfections of old beliefs follows.

This is how I define "coming of age". The point where you realize the fluidity of culture.
The most sacrosanct elements of your 'refined' worldview get torn apart and the malleability of human values humbles you.

Those who still don’t get it here become everything wrong in the next cycle, targets of the next round of youthful fury.




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